Ability Center, Inc.

Ability Center provides mobility equipment, mobility products, scooter, and wheelchair lifts, wheelchair vans, wheelchair accessible vehicles, and service for the physically disabled. 4720 N. La Cholla Blvd, Suite 150 | Tucson, AZ 85705 (520) 293-3596 Toll-Free (866)...

“After Stroke” Consultations

Leslie Ritter, RN, PhD, offers private consultations to stroke survivors and their families/caregivers regarding what to expect after a stroke.  Dr. Ritter has over 30 years experience providing direct care to patients and families as an intensive care nurse, as a...

American Mobility

Provides rental, sales and service of mobility equipment and is centrally located (Oracle & Grant)  in Tucson, Arizona. Website: https://americanmobility.com/ 2280 N. Oracle Rd.Tucson AZ 85705520-628-7480...

American Stroke Association

http://www.strokeassociation.org/STROKEORG/ Created in 1997, the American Stroke Association is dedicated to prevention, diagnosis and treatment to save lives from stroke — America’s No. 4 killer and a leading cause of serious disability. ASA funds scientific...

Arizona Rehabilitation Services

This state agency falls under the Department of Economic Security.  Programs include vocational rehabilitation, independent living rehabilitation services, and a business enterprise program.  Offices are located throughout the state....

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