2020 Stroke Roundup Retreat
Get in the rodeo spirit and join stroke survivors and caregivers for a fun-filled day!
Time: 9:00 am-3:30 pm
Location: College of Nursing 1305 N. Martin Ave., Tucson, 85721
RSVP required. Call 520-488-5009 or email [email protected]
Carondelet St. Joseph’s Hospital
Outpatient Rehabilitation Group Room
350 N. Wilmot Rd. | Tucson, AZ 85710
(520) 873-3000
Carondelet Communication Support Group
Tuesdays from 11:00 AM -12:00 PM| Tucson
This group supports individuals with communication deficits due to stroke, traumatic brain injury or other neurologic conditions resulting in aphasia, dysarthria, or voice or pragmatic disorders. The purpose is to utilize the group process to improve communication skills, practice compensatory techniques and receive support from other individuals with communication difficulties. Contact Jack Kriendler at (520) 873-3497
Carondelet Life After Stroke Support Group
The goal of the Life After Stroke Support Group is to provide a forum for families, friends and survivors to learn about stroke and to provide support for each other. Contact Tom Slauson at (520) 218-5004 for meeting dates and times.
Edith Ball Adaptive Recreation Center
Edith Ball Center is a year-round Tucson Parks and Recreation community pool. It features a fully accessible outdoor covered recreational pool with a beach entry, play features, lap lanes, a walking channel with a current, and a heated deck. The indoor therapy pool is heated to approximately 92 degrees and has a bench with jets, handrails, two types of lifts to allow for total accessibility and depths from 2.5-6 feet.
3455 E. Zoo Court | Tucson, AZ 85716
(520) 791-5643
Free Consultations on What to Expect After Stroke
Dr. Leslie Ritter, a PhD, RN, has had more than 30 years experience caring for those with stroke. She is a nationally recognized stroke researcher and clinician. Call or email to learn more or make an appointment: 520- 488-5009
Healthy Living Classes
Arizona Living Well is a series of health promotion programs offered by Pima Council on Aging. Programs are for adults 60 years and older and help participants manage their personal health, stay fit, and improve their quality of life. Select programs include A Matter of Balance, Enhance Fitness, and Healthy Living with Diabetes.
Pima Council on Aging
8467 E Broadway Blvd. | Tucson, AZ 85710
(520) 790-7262
Saguaro Aquatics
Special class for stroke survivors!
5302 E. Pima St. | Tucson, AZ 85712
(520) 638-8040
[email protected]
Southern Arizona Adaptive Sports
Southern Arizona Adaptive Sports believes in the power to adapt and achieve. We aim to transform lives through adaptive sports. We are a nonprofit, volunteer-driven adaptive sports organization formed in 2017 to serve as a catalyst that connects and inspires people in ways to get involved, get active.
Phone: 520-370-0588
Email: [email protected]
Website: soazadaptivesports.org
Spokes Fighting Strokes
Spokes Fighting Strokes offers free adaptive cycling sessions (trikes provided) every Thursday at Curtis Park in Tucson. Sessions are at 10 am and 1 pm. Preregistration/RSVP is required. Contact Lise or Dan at (303) 249-8621 or [email protected] and provide the following information: height, weight, which side is affected and level of functionality (wheelchair, cane, assist needed, etc).
Spokes Fighting Strokes
(303) 249-8621
Stroke Roundup Recap
Tai Chi for People with Physical Disabilities
Tai Chi for People with Physical Disabilities
1000 S. Randolph Way | Tucson, AZ 85716
(520) 791-4504
[email protected]